Becoming an Actor
What people say about us

Ricky Ramos
I'm a writer and aspiring filmmaker and these sets of videos have been such a helpful resource for me...they answer so many questions that I had in regard to the movie making process. They share their stories, what works, what didn't work. So much valuable information. I definitely recommend!
Who will be guiding you?
The key to learning a new trade, skill or developing a passion into a career is learning from the best that are in the game. Thats why the Chicano Hollywood Master Class series will commit to make sure you are learning from Chicanos/Latinos that are currently in the game producing, writing, directing, hip hop artist, and creating in their respective crafts at a professional level. We believe that a key to success is to learn from teachers that know your story, have your back ground and know our culture. We are Chicanos/Latinos that know what the challenges are to "break-in" to the entertainment industry so we are committed to building a bridge, breaking down barriers and creating a successful path of instruction for the Chicano/Latino community that are ready to take their creative skills too a new level.

Let’s get you started today!
Or buy a gift card for the future filmmaker in your family! (See below)